
Are you a WHOLE person?

Are you a WHOLE person?

This is part four of the comparison series. 

Here is a recap on what we’ve covered so far:

  • Comparison is breaking down ourselves and others into parts.
  • We do it to protect ourselves, but it actually harms us. 
  • The first step is bring awareness to your habit of comparison. Who you are comparing yourself to, when, and why.
  • The next step is to change your state and your habits. Such as through an affirmation like “I am whole. I am more than this one thing.”

Sound familiar? Good, I hope you have been practicing those things already.

Now we are going to continue the practice of being a whole person.

If you start with yourself, and work on seeing yourself as a whole person will help you see others as whole people as well, and help you combat the natural feelings of comparison. It will reduce feelings of being threaten and increase your self worth.

Pick at least one of these actions steps to get started feeling more like a whole person. And, I challenge you to hold yourself accountable to what you are going to work on by sharing in the comments below.

Action steps to start with:

  • One place to start is with your body. I encourage you to stand naked in front of a mirror where you can see your whole body. Utilize an affirmation to change your thoughts and state if negativity starts to come up. If you start to catch yourself breaking down your body into parts and being negative. You can use the affirmation, “My body is whole and more than this one thought.”
  • Another place to start is with a of accomplishments, talents, experiences, loved ones, things that make you unique, etc. As a reminder that you are a whole and complex person that no one can compare to because you are uniquely you.

Choose one of these two things, based on what you need most, and start changing these negative thought patterns and expanding how you see yourself as a whole person.

If you want help moving forward from jealousy and comparison then come find out how we can work together.

Much love, Danielle


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