
Inspiring Women – Emma Weise

inspiring Women series bannerWelcome to the Inspiring Women Series! My intention behind this series is for women of all backgrounds and stages of life to share what makes them love their life. My hope is that, through sharing this, you become inspired to live more of a life that you love. If you are interested in being featured in this series please send me an inquiry at and I will send you more information. I am incredibly excited about this series because I see so many women floating through life not feeling engaged, happy, or loving life. I want everyone to love the life they are living and live to the fullest!

The inspiring woman being featured this month is Emma Weise, here is her story:

Tell us how you are living a life you love? 

When I think about the fact that I live a life I love, I’m firstly drawn to my work, which now feels like play, because I went through quite a transformation from HR corporate person to creative entrepreneur. The reason I love talking about the business side of my life, is because I really have created a life I love [and still continue to evolve it to be even more dreamy] because being an entrepreneur means that my time is now flexible, I get to fetch my nunu early if I want to, I’m not wasting hours being stuck in traffic, and I do what I love!

A day in my life right now is pretty hectic. But that’s by choice. I have been setting up business number 2 because after all the lessons I learnt in my first two years, I realized that I can help other creative entrepreneurs DO their Dreams and I’m in the throws of finishing a course.

Hubby or I will make a little cup of the elixir that helps open ones eyes and ensures that our nunu has breakfast. After a quick social media check it’s time to start the morning routine, or get ready for school, lunches sorted etc. and then, if I’m not taking nunu to school I get to work.

I try to work on a little something that shifts the business dream early on in the day whilst the mind is fresh, and I’m not consumed by all the things I need to check off my list, then I start crunching out some client projects. I’ll either work from my home office or from a coffee shop either way, there is always a coffee and some social media sprinkled in between and then in the late afternoon, family time begins!

Because I’m working on two businesses, It’s likely that I’ll also check in on a few things in the evening after nunu is asleep, but I’m hoping to cut back on this a bit.

I love that I have choice. Whether I’m choosing which space I’ll work from, the hours I work, or the kind of work I get to do, and if I want to enjoy a glass of champagne whilst doing my admin on a Friday I can!

What hurdles came up on your way to getting there?

When I was working my way up a corporate ladder in a career that wasn’t aligned to who I was life felt very strained and unsettling. It perpetuated into every area of my life because something just didn’t feel right. Eventually, I got to a point when I looked at what the next promotion was and it just wasn’t what I wanted for my life – a little more money to do a whole lot more of what wasn’t awesome for me.

I knew I needed to make a change, and it took a year before I went on my own.

This is where you think life got all rosey, but when you start a business thinking that you’ll start a “safe” business (doing what you know, but don’t love), life was definitely not rosy.

I think people could see through the lack of passion too.

One of my biggest hurdles, was making the decision to stop trying to create an HR business. I felt like a failure, I had put in 8 months of hard work and I didn’t have anything to show for it, my business had flopped.

It was only when I started taking a step towards doing what I love and opened myself up to the opportunity that I could actually make a living doing what I love, that things started shifting for me and here I am the owner of a Boutique Creative Studio.

The impact that it has had on my life? I’m a lot less miserable! Between the creative work and the entrepreneurial work I feel like I’m stepping into who I’m meant to be and my calling. I’m stepping into my ease as a human being and I’m finding myself waayyyyyy more comfortable in my skin.

What has been the biggest help in living a life you love?

It would be my support system. I’m incredibly blessed to have people around me who help me on my journey; some are cheerleaders and motivate me, some challenge me, and others just support me through the journey. Another key ingredient for me has been to help others live a life that they love too!

What is the best lesson you have learned along your journey?

Do what you love.

What would you say to someone who feels like living a life they love is impossible?

It really isn’t impossible, but it will mean that you need to take steps and do things that will lead you to a live you love. Little shifts really can make a big difference.

How are you continuing to ensure your love you life every day?

I think that for me it’s about checking in regularly, to make sure that I am still on the path to my dream. This year, I wanted to feel Clarity, Ease, and Abundance and with each step I take I benchmark it against those three words, and life is really shifting for me!

Emma Weise

Emma believes in a world where people should do their Dreams… while she continues to create her Boutique Creative Studio, she also inspires other creative entrepreneurs to DO their Dreams by spreading a little “Emma Magic” into the world… and when she isn’t doing that, you can find her exploring the coffee shops in Cape Town, spending time with her family, or sipping on some chocolate pinotage [or bubbles] with good friends!

I hope you enjoyed Emma’s story of following what she loves. Did you gain any insights from her story? If so, please share them in the comments and if you are looking to connect with other women going after their dreams join the free facebook group Your Life. Your Way. 

10173617_728293477285309_7925489973210964255_nMuch love, Danielle


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