
Today’s Affirmation 13

Today’s affirmation is “I bring beauty into a beautiful world.”

The world around us is filled with beauty. The birds singing outside of your window, the bright green grass, the sound of flowing water, and the sunlight on your skin are just a few of the simple ways beauty fills out daily life. Recognizing and appreciating the beauty already out there in the world is so important. It is easy to get caught up with the busyness or even the negativity in life and miss the beauty. It is something to be mindful of and appreciate.

Not only can you bring more awareness to the beauty around you, but you can take it one step further and recognize the beauty you are adding to the world. You have unique gifts, looks, voice, thoughts, purpose, etc. that are all filled with beauty. You are beautiful and you are filling the world with your beauty.


I bring beauty into a beautiful world



Repeat this affirmation today. I recommend saying this affirmation every time you look in the mirror, especially if you catch yourself thinking negatively about your looks and body.  Share this affirmation with your friends and family and spread the awareness of beauty all around you.




If you are interested in more affirmations start here with the series of affirmations posts. In the first post I share my story of why affirmations are so important to me and powerful in my life.

If you want to dive deeper into affirmations check out the affirmations journal. This journal will take you through a month of daily affirmations. Each affirmation is paired with journal prompts for you to make the most of each day.


Tell me in the comments below how this affirmation resonates with you today.


Much love, Danielle


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