What’s your fantasy?

Tell me… what’s your ffffaaantasy? Imagine me singing Ludacris style – you’re welcome.
Fantasies serve an amazing purpose. They tap into your dreams, your creativity, and your passion. So often we ignore our fantasies because we think they cannot come true, that they are farfetched, or that they are even delusional. We keep them hidden and private. Sometimes we are even ashamed of them EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE HAS THEM.
Let’s shake the stigma and embrace our fantasies.
Let’s make this really simple.
Fantasies have a purpose. Fantasies are meant to be realized. Fantasies are intended to be shared. Sharing our fantasies allows us to connect with other people who we can relate to on a deep level.
Don’t get me wrong, just because I say they are meant to be shared and realized does not mean they are meant to be easy. Fantasies take effort, drive, and courage. But they are POSSIBLE!
The first step to realizing your fantasy is to declare it. This means share it with the world. Stop hiding behind what you think is safe and go after what you really want in life.
I will start… here is one of my fantasies.
I fantasize about owning a big, beautiful home. I want tons of space that is clean, organized, and perfectly designed. I want it to be clean all of the time. I want lots of sunshine, beautiful artwork on the walls, and inspiration all around. I want a space to dance and workout in. I want a fab garden and pool.
So what if people say it is smarter to rent now instead of buy? So what if people say I don’t need that much space? That is one of my fantasies, and I am working on realizing it. I have the courage to share it with the world regardless of judgment.
I want to hear one of your fantasies – tell me in the comments below. And if you want a community where you feel safe to share all of your fantasies, come join me here.
P.S. I also have a not so secret fantasy of making out with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in a passionate love scene. I don’t actually want to be in a movie… but you know maybe he would need to practice with someone else… haha!
My fantasy is to travel the world as a digital nomad. Living free and working only on projects that leave me feeling fulfilled and renewed. This is slightly embarrassing, but I started giving myself pep talks before work every day and I basically proclaim all of my dreams are going to come true. It will all happen as it should, and I am always in the right place at the right time. Basically Mariah Carey’s song, “Make It Happen,” is my theme song he he. Great read, Danielle!
Beautiful fantasy 🙂 and theme songs are totally necessary
My fantasy is to write hit comedies with Jason Segel, who decides we should obviously get married because we’re perfect for each other 😉
AMAZING! I love it 🙂