100 Days of Vulnerability

I am starting something very important for myself today: a 100 days of vulnerability challenge. I was inspired to start this challenge because of little messages I kept picking up on throughout the past several weeks.
They were messages of other people pushing themselves through challenges, the amazing things that they learned and how they grew through them. These were messages of vulnerability, as I have written about in blog posts in the past, but they kept coming up for me over the past few weeks. On the podcasts I regularly listen to I heard interviews with people who completed rejection challenges and truth challenges. These people putting themselves out there to learn and grow really inspired me to ask myself “how can I put myself out there for growth?”
So, you might ask, “Why vulnerability?” I spent so many years of my life lying and hiding. As someone who experienced severe depression, anxiety, and chronic illness, I spent a lot of time feeling like I was going to be “found out”; I was living in fear of what others might think of me or what would happen to me if someone found out.
So I used all of my energy hiding this huge part of my life. Through the years this hiding and lying became exhausting. The energy I used to hide seemed wasted, and I slowly stopped caring as much about what other people thought and started becoming an open book. I became vulnerable.
Being vulnerable means being honest, sharing, and opening up, therefore putting yourself out there to be hurt. However, it also means putting yourself out there to be loved, develop connections, and feel energized.
Being vulnerable is a journey. No one is completely vulnerable all of the time, which is why I want to start this journey and invite you to join me if you are inspired to do so. I want to push myself to grow in this area. Vulnerability has taught me so much, helped me build beautiful relationships, and live a life I love. I cannot wait to see what 100 days of vulnerability will teach me.
So why 100 days? No reason really. I wanted to pick a number that feels hard but doable. If you decide to join me on this journey you can pick your own number because there are no rules. If I make it to day 30 that will be perfect and if I go until day 200 that will be perfect as well. We will see where this journey leads me.
So, for the next 100 days, I will be sharing something that makes me feel vulnerable to share. I will be documenting this journey over on Instagram and on my facebook page. I will be using the hashtag #100daysofvulnerabilty if you want to join me. I will not be blogging about every day’s message, but I will share what I learn at least at the end of the journey.
What a fantastic idea!!! Have just come across your blog, but I will definitely be checking out more of your posts and your vulnerability journey. I have been writing, journaling and thinking a lot about this topic over the last couple of months 🙂 Kelly x
Thank you so much Kelly. I would love to hear about your journey. 🙂
This is beautiful and I love it!!! <3
Thank you!
This resonates because it’s true. My growth has always been directly related to the uncomfortable feeling that comes with change.p, and when I change I am vulnerable. This hits home. Thank you for sharing yourself . I am excited and I might try it! Love love love!!!!
Thanks Marwa. I would love to see what you share and completely agree with you!
It takes courage to bare it all.
Surround yourself with people who get it, and they’ll fuel and feed you. And I really believe that your vulnerability will fuel and feed them.
xo L
Eat Play Love | Lifestyle
I definitely agree Leisse 🙂
What a fantastic idea! I can’t wait to get started on my own vulnerability challenge! Lately I have been sharing my personal fears and thoughts on my blog, and while it is scary to put myself out there I know it could possibly help someone. I also suffer from depression, and I still experience shame when I share my experiences with it. No more hiding! Have you ever read Daring Greatly by Dr. Brene Brown? Game changer. Have a great week, Danielle!
I can’t wait to see your challenge! I have not read her book, but I should. She has been coming up a lot lately as I have been doing this challenge.
Love this! I can relate with you about the depression and anxiety, and feeling like I’m going to be found out! I’ll join you on this journey.
Thank you Tazim. I am so glad to have you on this journey with me!