
Make the Most of the New Year

Every new year I get excited. I get excited for the upcoming potential and fresh start that we have all decided we get at the beginning of a new year. However, like many people, that excitement doesn’t always last. We get planning, get work done, but fall off after a few months and sometimes we even forget what we were going to do in the first place.

I don’t want that for you, or me. So I want to share with you how I have made the change from someone who didn’t even have new year’s goals or plans to someone who owns those goals like a boss.

Here are the steps, lovely:

  1. Figure out what you want. The biggest issue we all face is figuring out what we really want in the first place. It can be easy to come up with goals that you think you should have, but do you really? It can be epically important to have a real and strong desire behind your goal to motivate you and push you throughout the year. Ask yourself why you want your goal and how you want to feel when you achieve that goal. That will get you started on figuring out what you really want.
  2. Brainstorm all the ways you could get it. Get out some paper and start writing down any possible idea of how you could achieve that goal. We often come up with one plan to achieve something and, if it doesn’t work, or ends up being more of a hassle than it is worth, we decide we failed that goal altogether. When you have multiple ways you can get to the same outcome you are more likely to achieve that goal. There is a difference between the path not working out and failing to achieve the goal. Figure out what the different paths are to get you where you want to be.
  3. Pick out what is going to work for YOU. Now that you have the different ways you can achieve your goal pick out the top two or three ways that you think will actually work for you and your life. Think about what would be fun, motivating, and doable for you.
  4. Break it down. You have your goal, you have your path, now you just need to break down that path into manageable steps to lead you from where you are now to where you want to be. It is this breakdown that will make your goals achievable. Figure out what the milestones are along the way and the baby steps to get you to each milestone.
  5. Schedule it out. Putting it on your schedule is extremely important. Many people lose track of their goals throughout the year because they are not seeing it on their schedule. People think they will remember what they are going to do, but we all have too much on our plate for that. Putting those milestones and baby steps on your calendar will ensure you stay on track throughout the year and don’t lose sight of your end goal.
  6. Make the daily work EASY. Now is where the GOLD is: making the daily work easy. If something isn’t easy we are unlikely to actually do it. It is it easy there is no reason to not get it done. Making it easy means figuring out where these baby steps fit into your daily life and scheduling them in. It also means setting yourself up for success by having what you need ready for you, getting a friend or partner on board for your social accountability, or having some sort of daily reminder like an alarm on your phone. Set yourself up for success by making your daily tasks as easy as possible.










If you are ready to make your goals successful this year then come join the FREE 4 day New Year’s Success Challenge.

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