
New Year’s Reflection Guide

It is getting close to New Year’s Eve and I hope you are enjoying the energy of this season of the year.

If you are like many people, during this time of year you are reflecting on what you accomplished this year, where you are at with your goals and dreams, and what you want to do, be, and have this next year. This reflection time is an extremely important aspect in achieving what you say you want to achieve. If you do not know where you have been and what has worked or not worked, then it will be very difficult to try to achieve something new in the future. However, it is important to do this reflection without judgment. No one is perfect, and the point of reflecting on your past is not to judge, be hard on yourself, or feel bad in anyway. The point to help you gain a better understanding of yourself, how you work, things that you want to do the same and things you want to change. I am going to guide you through some reflection on your past year and share my reflection with you.



I invite you to work through these questions with me:

What goals, intentions, dreams, affirmation, visions, etc. did you put in place for this past year?

My response –

My intention for this past year was Freedom. For me, this meant freedom of time, finances, location, and within my mind and body. I wanted to build a business that I loved, that brought in income, and that allowed me to help other women with my passion. I wanted to finish my doctorate and have that success as well as some freedom of the stresses of school. I wanted to stay off medication for my Graves Disease, and become stronger and more flexible to combat some of the symptoms of my disease. I wanted more freedom with my spirituality, keeping up with my yoga practice, affirmations, and gratitude journaling and becoming more in touch with myself, my thoughts, and my feelings. I also wanted more freedom in my relationships. I wanted to feel like things were on my terms, I wanted to spend more time with positive people who challenge me and push me forward. Finally, I wanted more freedom in my environment. I envisioned a space that fills me up, is decluttered, and feels like me. I wanted to increase my savings towards a house and make the house I live in now more “me.” This drive for freedom is what powered all of my desires for 2014.

What is your response?

What actions did you take towards these goals, intentions, dreams, affirmations, visions, etc?

My response –

For my body: I explored different yoga studios and worked out with  a personal trainer. I also took the time to explore what foods work well for me, started seeing an acupuncturist, and started new supplements to help my allergies. I kept up with appointments, blood work, and tests for my disease. I explored different endocrinologists and expressed what I want to see happen with my own body and health.

For my relationships: I stopped putting energy in relationships that were draining to me or no longer served me. I avoided negative conversations and relationships to my best abilities. I maintained monthly game nights with friends, monthly dinners out with friends, and made an effort to meet and connect with new people. I met many like-minded people through different online courses I took this past year and made an effort to stay connected. I developed accountability partners and fostered meaningful relationships this year.

For my environment: I traveled to Boston, NYC, and (currently) Maui. I tried fabulous food, culture, and art in new places. I bought new items for my home that felt like me and made my home feel cozier. I saved over 10k for a new home and dreamed about what that home would be like. I made an effort to keep my home clean and organized. I started being mindful of what clothing I am wearing and how it makes me feel about myself.

For my career: I finished my doctorate, took on new responsibilities at work, started new piano students in my home, and launched my business. I have income coming in from all sources and am fulfilled by my ability to be creative, help others, and be flexible. I have created programs and connected with my community.

What is your response?

What worked this year?

My response –

This year I really discovered how much accountability works for me. It helps me accomplish tasks, push myself further, and keeps me inspired. Making lists and actually scheduling the time into my week really worked for getting things done. Setting up routines and planning ahead has also worked really well for me this year. Also, surrounding myself with examples of how what I want to achieve is possible has been really helpful for my mindset and motivation this year.

What is your response?

How are you going to use this information when you plan for 2015?

My response –

I am going to keep in mind how much I was able to accomplish this year to help me set achievable yet challenging goals for myself. I will also make sure I am thinking about how to set myself up for success with accountability, scheduling, and routines.

What is your response?

Share any of your responses in the comments below and let’s inspire each other!


If you found this short reflection work helpful then, check out the Success with Goals course to go even deeper in this process.


reflectionMuch love, Danielle





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