
Fall in Love with Your Life


fall in love

We tend to walk through life just going through the motions. We follow a route that has been mapped out for us by society. Most people follow basically the same path through life, and we think that is just the way it is.

I want you to know life can be different.

Life can be exciting and beautiful.

Life can be full of adventure and exhilaration.

You can take risks, act bold, and be brave.

There are certain things that people tend to accept as part of life. You might think you are supposed to graduate high school, go to a good college, get a degree, find a secure corporate job, meet a mate, get married, buy a house, and have children.  That is the path that so many people go down, and there is nothing wrong with it, UNLESS that path does not fill you with happiness and excitement. If you are choosing that path because you think it is right, secure, or safe than you are on the wrong path. The truth is that no path is truly safe, secure, or right so you might as well choose the path that really lights you up.

I want you to fall in love with your life. 

I want you to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face.

I want you to break out in dance because the joy inside of you just needs to get out. 

Life is beautiful and you can embrace it fully.

Take a minute and think about the path you are on right now. Think about the next steps you are planning for your life and future. Do they light you up? Are you excited and motivated by the path you are on? If you are not, make a change now. There are no wrong answers. This life is yours to create and it is yours to fall in love with. It is never to late to dream a new dream or make a different choice. If you think ahead to one year in the future, will you wish you had made a change today? Then you owe it to yourself to do just that.


Tell me in the comments below how you love your life.


capableMuch love, Danielle





P.S. Ready to take the next step in loving your life?? Then take the 21 Day Happiness Challenge (AKA 21 Days of Smiling So Big Your Cheeks Hurt). It will push you out of your comfort zone and into living life with passion and joy.

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