A Year in Review 2015

This past year was incredible. It was filled with adventures, fun, growth, and love. It was also fast and busy. Lots of change occurred, which brought on extra stress. It is always good to review your year in order to learn and grow. Here is my year in review. I hope it inspires you took do the same.
Big things that happened this year:
- Bought a house
- Created and ran the first round of my Self-Love Course
- Traveled to Hawaii, Portland, and Vegas
- Went to at least 12 dinner events
- Started a facebook group for the amazing women in my community
- Changed up therapy jobs
- Hosted over 15 parties
- Started our food blog, Level Up Your Dining, with my love
- Bought a car
- Expanded to teaching piano 3 evenings a week
What I accomplished from my plans:
I had many things I wanted to try to do this year. Several of which I was able to accomplish. Some of the things I am able to check off my list from 2015 are…
- have professional photos done
- travel to Vegas
- redesign my website
- travel to Portland
- try at least 12 new restaurants
- go through and donate clothing
- hire someone for my business
- learn daily
- monthly parties
- see 5 movies
- look at 3 or more houses (little did I know we would see dozens and end up buying one!)
- complete a detox
- vacation with friends
- have a clear bill of health
- lasik eye surgery (technically I got SBK)
- send Christmas gifts to out of town friends
What I did not accomplish from my plans:
Some things I didn’t accomplish because plans changed, other things because I realized the goal wasn’t really important to me, and others because I chose to focus on other things this year instead, but still want to accomplish them.
- create a teacher handbook for other piano teachers who teach individuals with autism (still in my plans, but was not a priority for this year).
- paint the kitchen (moved instead!)
- go to the zoo (just wasn’t important to me this year).
- handstands (still working on it, it is taking longer than I thought).
- splits (getting close!)
- travel to Boston and NYC (after Hawaii, Vegas, and Portland we were traveled out and decided to put travel on hold for a while and enjoy living in our new house instead).
What I learned this year:
This year was incredible fun, but it was overly busy. I pushed myself hard and saw both the positive rewards and the negative effects of that much change, hard work, and fun. I learned that I am capable of a lot, but I also learned I don’t need to do it all. This year was a great reminder for me to be mindful, to think about something before I commit to it, and to ensure that how I spend my time is truly how I want to be spending it.
At the same time we moved into our house, I changed therapy jobs, and I created & launched the Self-Love Course. This may not have been the busiest time of my life, but it was one of the most draining times of my life. My blood work for my disease was a little off and I was feeling the effects on my mood and energy. I was challenged in new ways across the board. And, for the first time in my life, I really felt a pull to slow down. Luckily, I listened to this and made changes. I slowed down and focused more on my health and I asked for help from the people around me. I feel really grateful that I have become so much more in-tune with my body and mind and therefore can make adjustments before things get bad.
So, my big takeaways from this year are I am very capable, I can slow down, and my health is the most important part of my life.
Take this as an opportunity to ask yourself these same questions. It is through this reflection that you will gain great insights into your life. You will be able to see patterns that are repeating, for better or for worse. And, you can see where you created goals because you thought you should, but you weren’t really motivated to do so.
I want to hear your year in review. Share in the comments below!
Next week I will share with you my goals and plans for this year.
Want to go deeper in making sure this year is your best yet? I have a free 4-day New Year’s Mini Course for you to jump start this year.
Sending you lots of love, Danielle