Hey, I’m Danielle!
I want YOU to become more excited and fulfilled in your life.
I want YOU to become the best version of yourself.

Before I dive into the juicy stuff, let me introduce myself properly.
Titles I go by: life coach, doctor of occupational therapy, a piano teacher, girlfriend, animal lover, creator, foodie & dreamer.
How I prefer to describe myself: I am passionate about my life and helping women see that they can live their lives passionately too!
What I do: I guide beautiful women like you to kick start the life they’ve only dreamed about.
The whole educational scoop: My studies and work in occupational therapy (master and doctorate degree) have given me the knowledge and experience in coaching people to live the life they want by understanding themselves better and making small changes that yield BIG results.
- I am OBSESSED with dessert.
- I raised squirrels as a kid.
- My celebrity crush is Joseph Gordon Levitt.
- My mom is an artist – one of the places I get a love for art.
- I teach piano and my doctoral research revolved around a piano curriculum I developed for students with autism.
Being an occupational therapist means I get to help people in every area of their life;
occupation is ANYTHING that occupies your time. This includes but is not limited to:
your purpose in life, your favorite thing to do, your sex life, your favorite meal to
cook or anything else that you want to add a little color to.
I support YOU in adding more beauty, love, life and laughter to all the things
that already occupy your time.
Again, if you can’t tell, I love what I do.
Of course, it wasn’t always this way.
I managed my way through shyness, depression, illness and an abusive relationship on my way to finding myself living the life I love.
I used to spend all my time obsessing about all of the things that were wrong with me or missing from my life.
If you’re here, I’m guessing you’re probably nodding along to that thought. I hear you, it’s hard not to fall into the negative (and let’s be real, somewhat natural) perspective.
Through my own journey, I was able to change the way I lived.
I focused on my talents and strengths. I stopped always putting others before myself and started taking care of me. This change started attracting positive, life-loving people into my life. I found new hobbies and passions that led me on the journey to the best version of me. I am still on that journey, but that is the way I like it – always growing and enjoying every moment!
Today I am happy, outgoing and engaged in life and I am super passionate about helping YOU become more excited and fulfilled in your life.
Interested in becoming the best you, you can be AND enjoy the journey?
Check out the Work With Me page.