
How to use Affirmations

How to use Affirmations

This is part 2 of the 5 part series on affirmations. Check out the first part of the series here: Part 1. Affirmations sound good. You say positive things and you start to think more positively. Therefore, your life is better. Right? Easy. That may be partially true, but there are ways to use affirmations in […]

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What are affirmations?

What are affirmations?

What comes to mind when I say ‘affirmations’? Do you imagine an overly optimistic, cheerful woman with perfectly wavy hair, a boho inspired maxi dress, and a flower crown? Do you think about how it is a mystical, ridiculous idea? Do you think about how affirmations have impacted your life? Or, maybe you don’t think […]

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Practice Confidence

Practice Confidence

This is part four of the four part series on overcoming feeling like a fraud. If you missed part one check it out HERE , part two HERE, and part three HERE.  We all want confidence, especially as women. However, we’ve been programed to hide, devalue ourselves, and not outshine others. These things create feelings of being a […]

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Know Yourself

Know Yourself

This is part three of the four part series on overcoming feeling like a fraud. If you missed part one check it out HERE and if you missed part two you can catch up HERE. So, you’ve been feeling like a fraud, and you are ready for a change. In part one of this series you’ve […]

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