Do you have a community?

I spent so much of my life identifying as a loner. I thought people did not relate to me, understand me, or care about me. I thought I had to impress people and stay distant to protect myself. I thought I only connected with very few people, and I even felt a since of pride that I didn’t make frivolous relationships. Even though I had very few friends, those relationships were meaningful. I spent time judging others and writing them off before I even knew anything about them (of course that is the only time you can do that – before you see the person inside the body).
What a world I was missing out on with my old perspective.
I am so glad I have learned to be social, make connections, and take the time to get to know someone before deciding if they are worth my time.
This past year I have connected with so many amazing women online. I have found communities, connections, and real friendships with women all over the world. I never realized the value of relationships with women. It is incredible! I get to see how other women live their lives, be inspired by them, learn from them, and support them.
Do you have a community?
A place where you feel supported, safe, and able to learn and grow?
Do you want more connection, love, and opportunity for growth?
IF you do, I so want to connect with you! Every day is an opportunity to connect with someone who is going to change your life. I have an amazing community of women ready to love, support, and learn from you. I would love to have you there, sharing your gifts and realizing you are no longer alone.
Community can be found in so many ways: in classes, neighborhoods, community centers, families, sports, and online. Regardless of if you join my community, I urge you to get out there and step up your community game. You are not alone, and you should not have to feel alone. I know how that feels, and I do not want it for you.