Don’t Get Caught Dreaming
We all dream of the life we want to live. What is coming next? What are we working for? What are our beautiful plans for the future? This is wonderful. Dreaming allows us to be creative and strive for more.
The problem is if you are only dreaming.
Everyone dreams about life and their desires, yet so few people make goals to achieve those dreams. Even fewer people make plans to go after those goals, and EVEN FEWER take action on those plans.
Are you one of the few taking action?
If you aren’t, don’t fret. It is not too late.
The first step is to get clear on your dreams. It is not enough to just think about what you want. That is fleeting. That changes based on your mood and the particular events of the day. You want to journal this part: brainstorm about what you really want out of yourself, your relationships, and your life in general. Get really clear on how you desire to feel and what you see in your future.
The next step is to figure out the specific goals that will get you there. You have desires, you know how you want to feel, but what will actually get you there? What are the milestones you want to achieve to feel the way you want to feel and make your dreams a reality?
The next step is to figure out the plan to achieve those goals. It is all fine to put goals in place, but if you do not know how you are going to get to those goals, they will stay in the future. Map out a clear plan to get from now to where you want to be. What are the habits, routines, and actions that will get you there?
The final step is to actually take action. Be passionate about the action you are taking. This plan you are implementing isn’t for someone else; it is FOR YOU. You are the creator of your life. You get to design what your life looks like. And you are the one responsible for taking action and achieving the life you want to live.
So take action, because you so deserve it lovely lady. I want to help you take action, so let’s chat about how we can work together.