Fear holds you back. We’ve all experienced it. But it doesn’t have to. You can dream past fear. I know because I have done it and helped many do the same.
I’ve let fear hold me back from doing so many things I wanted to do. I grew up painfully shy. I was so terrified of having any attention on me that I cried in the back of the church instead of participating in my preschool graduation. I was so fearful of public speaking that I dropped out of my college required public speaking class three times before giving a single speech.
Fear has held me back by causing me to miss out on experiences and opportunities I would have loved. Yet, in many instances, I have overcome fear. I went from dropping out of public speaking three times to lecturing in front of master level students while teaching abnormal psychology. I went from crying in the back of the church because I was scared of attention to putting myself out there to the world with my life coaching business.
Fear holds you back, but fear can be overcome. Fear is overcome by dreaming past it. For me, I have been able to overcome these crippling fears by dreaming past fear. I dreamed about the life I wanted to lead, the people I wanted to touch, and the difference I wanted to make. The dream was clear and motivating, so much so that it pushed through the fact that I would need to be visible, lead, and speak to make this happen.
When you dream often and big you will overcome the fears that you need to overcome. It is only when you know where you are going, and are motivated to get there, that you will make great strides and movements in your life. So please, dream past your fear and stop letting it hold you back from doing the amazing things you were meant to do in this world.
Tell me in the comments below how you are letting fear hold you back. Do you want help dreaming past fear? Join my free facebook group for daily motivation, accountability, and inspiration.
Sending you so much love,