
3 Steps to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

Dreams into reality


Life is in your hands. When you dream about your future, do you think your dreams are possible? Inevitable? Outrageous? Exciting? Boring? Adventurous?  Safe?


Regardless of how your dreams make you feel right now, I want you to feel more motivated and excited about them. In addition, I want you to realize that they do not have to stay as dreams. The things that you fantasize and are working towards for your life can be part of your reality today.


The first step is to get clear.


What do you really want from life? How do you want to feel in the morning? What do you want to have accomplished by the end of the day? Who do you want to have spent time with? How do you feel about your body? Mind? Ambitions? Relationships? Write it all down to the detail. Write exactly how you want to see your life and how it makes you feel.


The second step is to tap into the why.


So you know what you want to see, but make sure you also know how you want to feel. What is the why behind the things you want? Do your wants make you feel motivated and excited, or are they only what you think you want? Make sure what you want is actually what you want and that you know exactly why you want it. The clearer the better. No one else can tell you want you want or need in life. You are the expert on your own life.


The third step is to make these desires a reality NOW.


You do not have to wait for some magical time where your life will be the way you want it to be; you can start now. You are faced with decisions and choices all throughout your day.  Each of these decisions gives you the opportunity to design your life. Now that you know what you want and how you want to feel you have a baseline to make your decisions from. When a choice comes up, ask yourself if it aligns with how you want to feel and if it gets you closer to the dream life. As you do this you will realize how much of your dream life is just a decision away. You want to feel confident and sexy? You have the choice to spend an extra 15 minutes on your hair/make-up/outfit in the morning. You want to have financial freedom? You have the choice to start selling artwork (or whatever fits your talents) on the side. You want to save? You have the choice to put $10 a week into a savings account.


Bottom line is this: you can start today to build your dream life, and today you will start to feel the way you desire to feel.


What is the one action you are going to take today to build your dream life and bring your dreams into reality?


capableMuch love,






P.S. Want help achieving your dreams? Learn how to have Success on PURPOSE…. here!



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