How to use Affirmations

This is part 2 of the 5 part series on affirmations. Check out the first part of the series here: Part 1.
Affirmations sound good. You say positive things and you start to think more positively. Therefore, your life is better. Right? Easy.
That may be partially true, but there are ways to use affirmations in effective and ineffective ways. I’m guessing if you are looking to use affirmations you want them to be as effective as possible.
The research shows that affirmations can have an impact on your performance, ability to problem solve, your well-being, and your compassion for yourself and others. These sound like great things so, we should just jump in, right? However, research also shows that affirmations are impacted by your self-esteem. That basically means that if your self-esteem is low affirmations can have a negative effect. Therefore, it is extremely important you are using them the right way.
Here are three tips to help you use affirmations the right way so that you get the greatest benefit from them.
- Use affirmations that feel true to you.
- Affirmations can have a negative effect if what you are saying is in contradiction to what you believe. Meaning, if you say “I am a beautiful, thin woman.” and your mind fights back calling you a liar. The affirmation will work against you. Because an affirmation that you don’t believe encourages your mind to reinforce the opposite idea. Make sure when you use an affirmation that it feels true and doesn’t trigger negative feelings or thoughts.
- Create slow change over time.
- When you are using positive affirmations and making sure that they feel true to you, you will need to slowly shape the affirmations over time to create the mindset you truly desire. To use the example we already have, instead of starting with “I am a beautiful, thin woman.” start with “I am making my health a priority.” or “I am beautiful in the eyes of my partner.” Then, maybe you shape it to “I am becoming more beautiful every day.” or “I show my body love every day.” Follow a progression that feels right and true to you. Don’t jump ahead of yourself.
- Use them daily and make it easy.
- Affirmations are more effective if you are using them daily. Just like exercising any other part of your body, it takes regular work to make a difference and maintain gains. Therefore, you want to make it easy. Create a habit so you don’t have to think about it. Maybe you keep a list of affirmations next to your bed and you write them out every night before you go to bed. Maybe you write an affirmation on your mirror so that you say it every morning when you brush your teeth. There are millions of creative ideas to make affirmations part of your daily life without you actively having you remember to use them.
I can’t wait to hear how you are going to use affirmations in your life in the comments below. If you are ready for more support with affirmations grab the free 7 day affirmation journal.
Much love, Danielle
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