Inspiring Women Series – Jordana Jaffe
Welcome to the Inspiring Women Series! My intention behind this series is for women of all backgrounds and stages of life to share what makes them love their life. My hope is that, through sharing this, you become inspired to live more of your own dream life that you love. If you are interested in being featured in this series please send me an inquiry at and I will send you more information. I am incredibly excited about this series because I see so many women floating through life not feeling engaged, happy, or loving life. I want everyone to love the life they are living and live to the fullest!
The inspiring woman being featured this month is the fantastically inspirational Jordana Jaffe, here is her story:
Tell us how you are living the life of your dreams?
I’ve allowed myself to be more – or perhaps I continue to allow myself. It’s an ongoing journey, giving yourself permission, giving yourself the space to just be who you are unapologetically. I live in a cozy home with my wife in Pennsylvania. We have a fenced in yard for our sweet dog. I chose for my word of 2015 to be simplicity and my theme, resting and nesting, and I continue to allow myself to live into that. I take naps during the day. We left New York City for more quietness and calm. I have finally realized that I’m an introvert and giving myself the gift of no longer forcing myself to go to those offline networking events where I feel beyond uncomfortable and awkward. I allow myself to grow a business and live a life that works for me, that fits me, that above everything else, nourishes me. I love that I let myself do what I want to do at any given moment, and I trust that everything important will still get done. I’m learning that not only does that happen, but by allowing myself to listen to my body and honoring her rhythms, everything gets done much more quickly.
What hurdles came up on your way to getting there?
There are always hurdles. The naysayers, your own inner critic, that horrible “what if everything goes wrong” game, the panic, the anxiety, the “what will they think?”, the self-doubt, etc. They’re always there at every turn. What I’ve learned is that it’s not a matter of wishing them away anymore; it’s knowing that they’ll always be there, expecting them, and preparing myself to move forward regardless.
What has been the biggest help in living a life of your dreams?
Realizing that the life of my dreams changes. What I desired last year may not be what I desire this year, and that’s completely okay and wonderfully beautiful. As humans, we are constantly evolving and growing, so why shouldn’t our dreams do the same? I think reminding myself of this keeps me grounded in what I want at any given moment instead of focusing on some dream that I said I wanted months ago that no longer feels as true.
What would you say to someone who feels like their dream life is impossible?
Impossible is a state of mind. Google famous failures and see how many people who we know to be so famous confronted so many challenges at the beginning of their journey. Ask yourself today: what is one action – even if it’s the teeniest tiniest action ever – can you take to move you just one inch closer to reaching your dream? And then ask yourself that again tomorrow. And the next day. If you want it badly enough, if you stay focused and committed, perhaps one day, you’ll find that you were wrong, in the best of ways.
How are you continuing to build a life of your dreams?

Did you find Jordana’s story inspiring? Tell me in the comments below your biggest takeaway from her story.
Sending you so much love and inspiration, Danielle