Do you want MONEY or HAPPINESS?

If you HAD to pick between the two, what would you pick, money or happiness?Honestly, everyone would pick happiness because the assumption is that if you choose the money you will be unhappy. Who would choose to be unhappy?
I do not believe that money and happiness are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but I do believe that if you just follow money you will fail to find happiness. Happiness is found when you are doing things you love, following your passions, living life fully, taking care of your mind and body, and connecting with those around you.
I have a lot of businesses. I work as a therapist, piano teacher, life coach, food blogger, wellness advocate, business mentor, and have several other businesses in the works. Some people look at me like I am crazy and tell me I am spreading myself too thin, but I disagree. I wouldn’t be ME if I wasn’t creating new ideas, going after dreams, and trying to serve those around me. All of my businesses bring in money. However, if I only did one, then obviously I could put all my focus on that one thing and grow it quickly. But that wouldn’t make me happy. I would burn out on that venture and feel creatively stifled.
But it isn’t just about jobs or businesses. It is about doing what makes YOU happy. Living every day in a way where you are tapping into what is true and right for you. Yes, sometimes you have to do the dirty work and knock things out that you don’t really love, but if you are focusing on your happiness as your top priority you will find ways to make that manageable.
You deserve both money and happiness. Make your happiness a priority and you will have the energy to earn the money want. Make your happiness a priority and you will better appreciate all of the abundance in your life. Make your happiness a priority and fall in love with your life again.
If you agree and want some help making happiness a priority so you can reap all of the rewards, hit me up. I’m always here for you.
In the comments below, tell me one way you are making happiness a priority in your life.
Much love,