
My message for you

My message for you

I am love. You are love.

This is my message for you today.

We all get caught up in comparison, jealousy, and fighting with one another. We constantly feel like someone shining their brightest somehow detracts from our light.

This is not true. We are all love, and we are all connected.

When you have a truthful, raw, and real conversation with someone, it is extremely difficult to not connect with them and care about them. This is because at the root of that person is love. Love for the important people in their life, love for their passions, and love for their life. The same root is in you. Deep down, you are based in love as well.

When we find that love in another person and connect as two people who care and are vulnerable, our highest self shines through.

When you connect and search for that love, you will feel more energized and happy in your life. When we are just sucked into jealousy, comparison, and fighting with others that brings us down. It lowers your mood and energy. It might feel fun and exciting because you are passionate about your shit talking (as we all get some time), but once it is over you don’t feel any better, you don’t have new ideas or motivation for your life, and you are drained by the negativity.

You have two healthy choices you can engage in when you feel a twinge of jealousy coming your way. One: you can take the time to connect and find the love in that person. Or two: you can take a break from that person and move on before you get sucked in.

Just remember: I am love. You are love.

I am sending you so much love, Danielle

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