The self-love conundrum

If you spend time on yourself, then you are selfish and spoiled.
If you love who you are, then you are narcissistic and stuck up.
You need to be working and taking care of your loved ones; you don’t have time for yourself.
There are more important things than how you look, how much sleep you get, or working out.
Any of these sound familiar to you? I know they do for me.
As a woman, I feel like I have to walk this line of being confident, but not full of myself. I have to keep a balance of taking care of others, while not becoming a completely unbathed mess. As women, we are told to be perfect, to do things for other people, and to be too busy to even know what we really want.
Let’s change this together.
If you want to be busy, then be busy. If you want to look like a movie star when you walk out of your house, then rock that make-up. If you want to be as healthy and fit as possible, then get your workout on. If you want to be a great mama, then spend that quality time with your kids.
The REAL question is this: are you really doing these things because you want to? Or because you think you are supposed to?
If you don’t actually love doing the things that fill up your time, then it is time to relook at your priorities and how they are manifesting in your life.
It is ok to go back to work as a parent instead of spending the majority of your day with your children.
It is ok to eat yummy things that fill your sensations instead of counting every calorie.
It is ok to rock your sweaty post workout self out to dinner with confidence instead of thinking you have to look perfect.
It is ok to take a break and spend some alone time relaxing, instead of being productive at every turn.
And the opposite of all of these things is ok too. The most important part is the WHY.
Self-love is all about checking in with your why and doing things that actually make you feel good.
What have you been doing that is not in line with your true desires? How are you going to make a change? Share with me in the comments.
And if you are ready to take life to the next level, then join me in the free Self-Love Quest starting Oct. 5th.
Much love, Danielle