What are affirmations?

What comes to mind when I say ‘affirmations’? Do you imagine an overly optimistic, cheerful woman with perfectly wavy hair, a boho inspired maxi dress, and a flower crown? Do you think about how it is a mystical, ridiculous idea? Do you think about how affirmations have impacted your life? Or, maybe you don’t think about much because you aren’t familiar with affirmations to start with.
When I think about affirmations I think about the research and I think about how they have changed my life. But, I was not always that way, I used to get angry when I thought about the idea of affirmations. I was offended by the idea that I was in control of my thoughts. It made me feel like I was being blamed for my feelings of depression and anxiety. Luckily, I overcame that barrier and allowed affirmations into my life.
There are a lot of misconceptions around affirmations. Therefore, let’s get clear on what affirmations really are.
Affirmations at their most basic level are purposeful thought. We are always thinking, telling ourselves things, and shaping our reality with our thoughts. Affirmations, specifically positive affirmations, are purposeful thoughts to shape your mindset to be positive and productive. Affirmations are also known as mantras, prayers, or self-talk.
Affirmations are a way to take control of changing your thoughts, which in turn will change your actions, and your actions will change your life. And, that has been my experience with affirmations. They have changed my life. Slowly and over time.
Just like exercise, affirmations workout your mind so that your default thoughts are more likely to be positive and helpful, verses fear-filled and negative. I slowly changed my mindset from a thought process of “I have no control over how I feel and I will always be depressed.” to “I am in control of my life and I feel happy most of the time.” This may seem like a drastic change, but like I said it was slowly and over time. Approximately 4 years to be exact. It doesn’t have to take that long for you though. The fact that you sought out watching this video shows that you are further along than I was. And, I am here to help you.
Grab the 7 day affirmation journal for free to help get you started in a daily affirmation practice.
I will see you in the next part of this series where we will explore further how you can use affirmations effectively in your life.
Much love, Danielle
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